Alcohol Intoxication
Alcohol intoxication is very serious. It occurs when you drink alcohol faster than your liver can break it down. Severe intoxication is a medical emergency. It's also called alcohol overdose or alcohol poisoning. It can lead to death. Here are some key things to know.
It can take 10 minutes or more to start to feel the effects of a drink. So it's easy to drink more than you planned. Binge drinking and high-intensity drinking can lead to an alcohol overdose. Binge drinking is having:
High-intensity drinking is drinking 2 or 3 times as much alcohol as a typical binge episode. This is about 15 or more drinks at a time for men and about 10 or more drinks at a time for women. Research suggests that this is far riskier for a person's health and safety. It can be a common behavior, especially among teens and young adults. It appears to peak around age 21.
One drink may be more than 1 serving of alcohol. In some cases, a drink can be 2 to 4 servings. This depends on the type of drink.
It takes about 1 hour for your body to break down 1 serving of alcohol. If you have more than 1 drink, it can take a few hours or more.
People with alcohol abuse disorders are more likely to get alcohol poisoning. But it can happen to anyone who drinks too much alcohol. Even a first-time drinker is at risk.
Many things affect how drinks will affect you. These include:
If you've eaten.
How fast you drink.
Your weight.
How much you normally drink (or don't drink).
Medicines you are taking.
Having a chronic disease.
Whether you are male or female.
How old you are.
Symptoms of alcohol intoxication
Mild intoxication
Moderate intoxication
A change in how you act, aggression, depression
Poor judgment
Trouble focusing
Poor balance and being clumsy
Slurred speech that gets worse
Severe intoxication
Health effects
Alcohol causes health problems. This can happen after only drinking a little. There is no set number of drinks or amount of alcohol that's too much. How much you drink at one time affects your health. And so does drinking often. Alcohol affects your whole body.
Brain. Alcohol can harm parts of the brain that affect your balance, memory, thinking, and feelings. It can cause memory loss, blackouts, depression, agitation, sleep cycle changes, and seizures. These changes may or may not go away.
Heart and vascular system. Alcohol can damage heart muscle. This can cause the heart muscle to weaken and stretch (cardiomyopathy). This can lead to:
Trouble breathing.
An irregular heartbeat.
Atrial fibrillation.
Leg swelling.
Heart failure.
Alcohol also makes the blood vessels stiffen. This causes high blood pressure. All of these problems raise your risk for heart attacks or strokes.
Liver. Alcohol causes fat to build up in the liver. This affects how the liver works. And it raises the risk for hepatitis. This condition leads to belly pain, appetite loss, yellow skin and eyes (jaundice), and bleeding problems. It also leads to harmful changes in the liver. These include liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. This can affect your ability to fight off infections. These liver changes stop it from taking out toxins from your blood. This can cause a brain disease called encephalopathy.
Pancreas. Alcohol can cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). It can lead to belly pain, fever, and diabetes.
Immune system. Alcohol weakens your immune system. This makes it harder to fight off infections and colds. You'll also have a higher risk of some infections.
Cancer risk. Alcohol raises your risk of some types of cancer. They include cancer of the:
Sexual function. Alcohol abuse can also lead to sexual problems.
There is no safe level of alcohol use if you are pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant. Alcohol use in pregnancy may cause lifelong harm to the baby. So alcohol should be avoided. It can also cause a group of defects called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. These defects can include physical problems. And also behavior and learning problems.
Home care for alcohol intoxication
Follow these tips to care for yourself at home.
Don't drink any more alcohol.
Don't drive until all effects of the alcohol have worn off.
Don't use machinery that can cause injuries.
Get lots of rest over the next few days.
Drink plenty of water and other drinks that don't have alcohol.
Try to eat regular meals.
If you have been drinking a lot every day, you may have alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms often last 3 to 4 days. They may include:
They may also include severe, dangerous symptoms. These are known as delirium tremens (DTs). DTs typically begin between 48 and 96 hours after the last drink and last 1 to 5 days. They include:
Alcohol withdrawal can cause death. Call your health care provider before you stop drinking. This is very important if you've had DTs during past alcohol withdrawals. They may be able to help you with medicine. They can also refer you to an inpatient detox program. Or stay with family or friends who know when to call for medical help and can support you. If you have severe symptoms, call your provider or call 911 for help (see below).
Follow-up care
These groups can help you and your loved one.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA gives support through a self-help fellowship. Go to to find an AA meeting near you.
Al-Anon. They give support to families. Go to or call 888-425-2666.
SMART Recovery ( Self- Management and Recovery Training). This free program is focused on motivation to change, urge control, and living a balanced life. Go to for more information and to find a meeting near you.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Locator. Go to for free information on treatment resources in your area. Or call 800-662-4357.
Call 911
Call 911 if you or someone you know:
Has trouble breathing or slow irregular breathing.
Has chest pain.
Has sudden weakness on one side of the body or sudden trouble speaking.
Has heavy bleeding or vomits blood.
Is very sleepy or has trouble waking up.
Has a fast heart rate.
Has a seizure.
When to get medical advice
Call your health care provider right away if you:
Are very shaky.
Have a fever of 100.4ºF (38ºC) or higher, or as advised by your provider.
Are confused or see or hear things that aren't there.
Have pain in your upper belly that gets worse.
Keep vomiting.