COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Suspicion, Tested
About Testing for COVID-19
An influx of information around the current strain of coronavirus, called COVID-19, might prompt some questions about what it is and whether you are at risk. For those concerned about symptoms and whether you should be tested for COVID-19, we are here to provide you with answers.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, is a new respiratory disease thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure and can include fever, cough and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Fortunately, most people have mild symptoms and do not require hospitalization.
Who is at risk for COVID-19?
Those at greatest risk of infection are persons who have been in close contact with a confirmed or symptomatic patient, or those who have been to areas with sustained transmission.
How is COVID-19 treated?
There is currently no medicine to treat the virus. Treatment is done to help your body while it fights the virus. This is known as supportive care. Supportive care may include:
• Pain medicine. These include acetaminophen used to help ease pain and reduce fever.
• Bed rest. This helps your body fight the illness
What do I do now?
Because we do not yet have the results of your test, you need to isolate yourself at home so that you do not spread the potential infection to other people. Avoid public places and do not return to work or school. You can be around others after 10 days have first appeared and 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving (Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation), Avoid interaction with elderly family members and those with long term medical problems such as heart, lung, kidney, or liver disease as they are high risk for serious illness if they were to contract COVID-19.
• Stay home. Don’t leave your home unless you need to get medical care.
• Follow all instructions from your healthcare provider.
• Call your healthcare provider’s office before going. They can prepare and give you instructions. This will help prevent the virus from spreading.
• Do not go to work, school, or public areas.
• Do not use public transport or taxis.
• Stay away from other people in your home.
• Do not share household items or food.
• Cover your face with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away. Then wash your hands.
• Wash your hands often.
You will be notified of your test results within 3-5 days. All other results can be accessed using the patient portal, MyHealthOne.
What if my symptoms worsen?
While you are able to go home today, if you develop worsening shortness of breath, confusion, severe weakness, or other concerning symptoms, seek medical treatment again.
Where can I get more information about COVID-19?
The CDC has a robust website at The CDC also houses responses to commonly asked questions on their website.