3901 Central Pike, Suite 153

Hermitage, TN  37076

(615) 391-7320




  1. Use a humidfier or vaporizer in the bedroom even if you have a humidifier attached to your furnace.  It will also be necessary to use one if you used central air conditioning during the summer months.

  2. Gargle with a portion of the salt-soda solution (found below) every two hours while awake to soothe irritated tissues.  Do not use a commercial mouth rinse as it contains alcohol, which irritates tissues.


Salt and Soda Rinse


1 teaspoon of Salt

1 teaspoon of Baking Soda

4 cups of water


Mix the above together and place in a clean container and use as directed


If a sore throat or difficulty swallowing occurs, the following should relieve the discomfort:

  1. Use a liquid antacid such as Maalox or Mylanta 15 minutes before eating and at bedtime.

  2. Take very small bites of food, chew well, and take sips of water between bites.

  3. Popsicles

  4. Aspergum (if you are not allergic to Aspirin or on Chemotherapy)

  5. Chloroseptic Throat Lozenges (found at most drug stores)

  6. Hard candy


Eat foods that are soft, moist and nutritious:


  •  Eggs (scrambled, poached or soft-boiled)

  • Hot cereal (oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc.)

  • Soft canned fruit or pureed fruit

  • Tender, cooked, ground, or pureed meat or poultry

  • Baked chicken or fish

  • Cheese and cheese dishes

  • Blenderized foods

  • Soups (especially creamed soups)

  • Soft cooked or pureed vegetables

  • Puddings, custards

  • Ice cream, milk-shakes, and sundaes

  • Eggnog

  • Yogurt

  • Carnation Instant Breakfast