Neutropenic Precautions
You or your loved one is in Neutropenic Precautions. These precautions prevent infection in patients who are immunocompromised meaning they do not have enough white blood cells to fight off infection.
A WHITE sign saying "Neutropenic Precautions" is out side of the room letting staff, families, and visitors know what they can do to help keep the patient safe.
As a patient, family, or visitor you must help by:
Cleaning hands with sanitizer or wash with soap and water when entering and leaving the room
NO visitors with infections should enter the room
NO live plants or cut flowers permitted in the room
NO fresh fruits or vegetables
NO children under the age of 5 should be allowed to visit unless ordered
Patient MUST wear a mask if leaving his/her room
You will see doctors and staff doing the following:
Adhere to frequent handwashing/hand hygiene upon entering and exiting the room.
If the patient needs to go out of the room for a test, staff will help to wear a mask .
If you have additional questions about Neutropenic Precautions, ask your nurse
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